
things i've learned lately.

  • mike mcclure said it best with "those who know don't say much, and those who don't know talk all the time." who ever said red dirt music isn't philosophical?
  • one is never too old to be tucked in at night. =)
  • sweet potato butter is one of the greatest things the amish could ever give us.
  • purchasing gas for $2.04 per gallon can, in fact, be an adrenaline rush and a cause for celebration.
  • my sweet hometown seems to have more of an effect on me now that i'm away than it did when i was growing up. i was so blessed.
  • there is no better sound than hearing "you're my best peanut nutters" from my niece, kaitlyn belle. what a wonderful nickname. :]
  • the long awaited apology which i was sure would heal my heart for good wasn't nearly as monumental as i had hoped. but i have every reason to believe i will get through this. i will heal.
  • my past - and even painful things in the present - can and will be used as a powerful story.
  • a little culture would probably do me a world of good, hehe.
  • the future seems so exciting to me these days! whether i am thinking about a life overseas or simply planning my class schedule for next spring, i am filled with such a wild hope for the days/months/years to come.
  • collecting antique editions of the classics and old cookbooks is apparently a new endeavor of mine! this, combined with my fervor for coupon clipping, driving the speed limit, and going to bed early probably means i'm already a grandma-in-progress.
  • i am realizing how unready i really am for many of the things i think i want.
  • so many things about me are unique. please understand that i say this not in jest or boasting, but in amazement at His blessing!
  • the musical term "recapitulation" intimidates me. thank you, leonard bernstein.
  • people always surprise me. this truth can be so humbling.
  • dr. thunder really does taste just as good!!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

yesterday I experienced the adrenaline rush of pumping gas at $1.93!!!!! It was almost a sin it felt so good...maybe I was just smelling too many fumes?