
pricetags & provision.

twelve days into may and i haven't the least entertaining things to write! the approach of finals next week, beginning my summer job, and the birth of my fourth niece, ari jade, in a month or so are leaving me in a big ole state of anticipation - so much that has to get done in the here and now, and even more events are waiting around the corner. very exciting, to say the least. :)
i've been thinking a great deal about stewardship lately, with a discussion on economics in my biblical ethics course, writing a research paper for the class about megachurches, and thinking long and hard about the conscientiousness i want to embody in finances throughout my lifetime. during one such discussion in class, my professor announced several things which captured my attention. first, he quoted barbara brown taylor, an author: "the opposite of being rich isn't being poor. the opposite of being rich is being free." oh dannnng. a few minutes later, this came from his own repertoire: "stewardship carries the pricetag of viewing everything as a gift."
i think i pulled my toes back under my desk a bit after that one. :)
what am i doing to show Him that i am grateful for His provision and that i can be entrusted with more of it in the future? if you know me well at all, you know my coupon organizer and check register are two items i keep a close eye on. i'm working hard toward reaching my first $1,000 in savings by the end of the month, and i have always been surrounded by incredible examples of frugality and responsibility in my family. but isn't there more that i can do than just create a comfortable life for myself?

our textbook for biblical ethics, kingdom ethics, explores matthew 6:19 and states that the "treasure up treasures" imagery connotes hoarding of pride, greed, and stinginess. going on to verse 21, it becomes clear that, when we invest our possessions generously in God's reign of justice and mercy, we'll find that our hearts are invested there as well. and that, my friends, is where i want my heart to be found on the very last day.
"see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." // malachi 3:10


justin said...
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